
Thursday, November 04, 2004

Chin Up 

Get Your War On

We're smarter than those motherfuckers.
We can learn more quickly than those motherfuckers.
We can be more ruthless than those motherfuckers.
We can be some six-million-dollar motherfuckers ourselves.

Chin up.
We're more American than those motherfuckers.
We're more responsible than those motherfuckers.
We're more compassionate than those motherfuckers.
Hell, our atheists are more Christian than their Bible-thumpin' motherfuckers.

There's an election in two years.
There's nothing we can't do.

Chin up.
Because it's on, motherfuckers.
It is on.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Well, we're boned! 

I've written here before about how American political history has been all about money. That's as true today as it was 200 years ago. Americans are simply consumers. We're feeding on ourselves and the world around us. The people who run this country do so with money. Economic control.

I am making a call to all reasonable and thinking people to slow down as much of their spending and consumption as possible. Stop purchasing with your credit, eliminate your debt as quickly as possible and free yourselves from the slavery of American capitalism. Don't buy what you don't need. We're owned by Wall Street. Free yourselves of your posessions and you free yourself from economic enslavement and tyrrany.

It's hard work, so be sure to stay the course.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Today Is The Day 

No, not the hardcore band from Texas, though they rock. I mean it's the day that we, as American Citizens, get a chance to take part in the illusion that we have a say in our politics, and vote for the electors of our states who will vote for President on our behalf.

To paraphrase last week's South Park, we finally get to choose between the douche and the turd.

I'm torn between voting my conscience or voting for the lesser of two evils or not voting at all. Yes I'm extremely political, but I feel totally separated from the democratic process. It seems as if our whole system is designed to disenfranchise people. There will be thousands of disruptions today all across the country, all with the intent of further separating the governed from the government.

Basically, not much will change today, other than no more Presidential ads, and one or the other of two members from the same fraternity from the same college, one of two white men with the same backgrounds and wealth, will be the new President.

That's our choice. Coke or Pepsi. Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb. 7 Up or Sprite. McDonalds or Burger King. Republican or Democrat. Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme. Bud or Miller. One of two fraternity brothers from Yale. Either way, we elect Skull And Bones. One faction or the other of the Business Party.

Democrats care slightly more about people and Republicans care slightly more about property. Both are in the pockets of business interests. Neither act out the will of regular people.

How do we take control of a country and a government that was created for a monied elite? Created so that businessmen may pursue business without interference from government or the governed? How did corporations become more important and have more rights than people? How do "We, the People" finally seize control of our futures from the ruling class?

Don't forget to vote today for either the douche or the turd. God Bless America.

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