
Friday, October 03, 2003

Just in case you're still not sure.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

--- I think that our reality is an illusion created by our consciousness and that underneath everything is chaos. Physics is often cited as fact but when you observe matter at the quantum level the rules of physics break down. Gravity is unexplainable while particles seemingly pop in and out of existence at random. Every phenomenon or event may have more than one explanation, revealing the chaos underneath and the universe's constant flux. Everything is always in motion and so anything is possible at all times.
--- A question that doesn't have more than one answer, such as "what day is it today?" doesn't pertain to reality but instead to the symbolic constructs we've created. "It's Friday" may be the answer to us but to the universe that is meaningless and is not based on any physical reality. It's only a name given to one of the days that follows a 7 day sequence we've also created that's based on the seasons of the Earth which are physical reality.
--- As biological beings we have no choice but to order the world in a way that makes sense to us so as to find food and reproduce. Those are the only purposes for life. To eat and reproduce. But in doing so we
filter out other aspects of reality, both by our intellect and our biology. Think of the light spectrum. We can't see ultraviolet or infrared light that other animals see. Or sound. We can't hear high or low frequency sounds that other animals can hear. We perceive a spiritual reality yet don't really know what death is. Which makes religion meaningless.
--- The universe doesn't reveal all of it's answers and I'm content to wonder and not ever know. Some need to be spoonfed philosophy so they don't have to think about it on their own or are too afraid to consider the possibility that when you're dead, you're dead and your soul is gone forever.
--- If enough people did think for themselves, someone like Pat Robertson wouldn't be financially successful. Nor would he be unchallenged by his followers for leading a national multi-week prayer for the removal of a Supreme Court Justice in reaction for their ruling to strike down state sodomy laws, instead of praying for an end to hunger or war or disease. As a result his flock is oblivious to his self centered hypocrisy while to non believers it's plainly revealed.
--- Life is a dream. Enjoy it while it lasts. Beyond chaos is freedom. Confusion is next and after that is the truth.

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