
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Better call a dentist, my truth hurts 

I haven't posted in quite some time. I'm just checking in to say that I, along with many others, was right about Bush and Iraq. That it was a manufactured crisis, that the administration was dishonest in it's justification, and that invading that country would do nothing other than realize the Project For A New American Century's wet dream of seizing control of Iraq's natural resources as a geo politcal leverage. It's about money but it was also about power and strategic advantage. In any case it was never about WMD.

I was right, a couple of childhood friends along with most of the country were wrong, and I'm still waiting for their apologies.

Iran is next, I am sure of it. As we draw closer to the fall elections, do not be surprised if we are completely engaged in military operations in Iran, or at the very least talking a lot about the "threat" they pose. Again, it's not really about their weapons, it's about their efforts to peg the Euro to the oil market in an effort to undermine the dominance US Dollars hold on that market.

I'm conflicted over this because I don't want the US economy to tank, yet I am sick and fucking tired of the lies and the dismantling of the New Deal and the Bill Of Rights. The arrogance, incompetance and dishonesty of this administration is breathtaking. Just ask the 2400+ dead American soldiers.

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